Reunited and it feels so good! The whole family is back together again - that is, me, Ian, and Lorraine. We are here in Aspen, packing up the car once again and will be hitting the road for San Diego momentarily. 

Aspen is great. Everyone is beautiful, and the mountains loom white and majestic in every direction you look. At 8000 ft. above sea level, I have felt drunk since I set foot off the airplane. They say that goes away with time. They have oxygen bars here, and marijuana dispensaries. Ian likes Silverpeak. I spent some time at Victoria's Espresso yesterday, staffed by authentic Aussies. Chai tea latte with almond milk. I spent much of the day yesterday trying not to blurt out the many Dumb & Dumber references that crossed my mind. 

The X-Games now complete, we've got no time to wait. After we cram all of our belongings into the truck (clown-car style) we will be hitting rte. 70 and heading west toward Utah. Arches National Park? Fishlake National Forest? Somewhere around dusk we'll find a cozy KOA and spend our first night snuggled up in Lorraine and put the sleeping platform to the test. 

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